Member-only story
Midnight Visits
I wander the halls like a traveling mist
revisiting faces I love on the wall
Captured and framed, like a magical kiss,
time passes with no effort at all
Frozen moments I hold captive in time,
try to stay, but the sun pulls me back
A barless prison, where I serve out my time
mourn my loss, wearing shadows of black
Changing perspectives, and the smile on my face
speeding ahead, like a runaway train
In the midnight hours I travel alone,
longing again for those sweet yesterdays
To some, may seem strange, that I cling to this place
life is meant to be lived in the present
But those memories so dear, happiness for me has been rare
I fear what I had, has been spent
It’s 6 am, I’m back at it again,
dreams once again, left behind
Weekdays and the same old routines
surviving some nine to five
The world doesn’t stop, moves along, with no sound
through the motions, completing the day
Until tonight, when midnight rolls back around
and those happy memories come out to play
Originally published at