She’s beautiful
But not in a conventional way
She’s fragile
But it’s amazing what she can take
She’s powerful
But falls to pieces by the strength of a word
She’s emotional
But careful so she doesn’t get hurt
She’s tender
But tougher than you think that she is
She’s bold
Will see it through till the very end
She’s patient
But she knows just what it is that she wants
She’s anxious
But that’s what being broken down does
She’s forgiving
But don’t let that make you mistake her for weak
She’s healing
Tries to help in all that she speaks
She’s here now
Don’t you let her slip from your grasp
She wants love
but she won’t beg you or ask
She is every woman
Imperfect, but kind
A breakable capable human
Weary but resigned
To love where love is needed
@_wybter instagram