When ships are on the horizon
And sailors set sail
When the bar maids stop serving
their liquor and ale
When the sun’s sinking low
In the far away sky
And moon and the stars
Are gathering nye
When the maidens all cry
And they kiss their goodbyes
when the land becomes distant
A vision fading with time
When the towns become quiet
And the dogs fail to bark
And the town closes up
With no movement at dark
And the owls can be heard
Singing their soft lonely song
Then you know that for now
All the men folk are all gone
For a time, it is still
No one wrestles or fights
Young boys take their charge
As the man for a time
The women sing songs
And tell their children at night
Stories of the ships out at sea
With their sails full in flight
Tales of victories and war
And of the grandest of treasures
Some are fierce and profound
Some full of fancy and pleasure
When the ships on horizon
And the storms start to roll
Everyman buckles down
Holding tight to the hull
And they pray for their lives
And the ones that they love
Mother’s, father’s, Daughters,
Sons and their wives
Working hard to keep this large ship- belly down
Keeping eye on the land
As to not run aground
When it’s calm
They do chores
And they dream of the day
When the ships on horizon
find fair weather days
Just outside of their bay
But till then they work hard
Different ports, different towns
And they work without sleeping
awaking as the ships bell resounds
They eat together in the galley
And together swab the deck
Sometimes they get ornery
The true life of a roughneck
But they are bound like brothers
Shed the same blood and sweat
And will defend one another
So, don’t you forget
If you’re messing with one
you will get the whole crew
Cause brothers are brothers
Whatever you do
While the ship is on the horizon
many things have to change
For the families left behind
Their whole world’s rearranged
Where once children would play
Hide and seek or some tag
Now they are responsible for cleaning
and boarding the nags
No school for a time
used to make a child laugh
Now they must carry water
and boil it for a bath
The women are tough
they can handle a lot
Shoe a horse, fix a barn door
and tie a nautical knot
She is good in the kitchen
she can hunt fish and fight
She can fight off any creature
with her gun late at night
She knew what she was in for
when she fell for that fella
And she’d do it again
cause he sings a mean acapella
And he captured her heart
like a pirate at sea
Promised visions of treasure
and man, could he sing
He sang songs of glory
songs of thrills and of love
He vowed he’d be true to her
swore on the powers above
And she surrendered her heart
gave her life to him gladly
And soon after: a son and
daughter for daddy
She would fight for this man
leave you broken and bruised
Till your begging for mercy
there’s no measure she won’t use
To protect her family
her babies, her man
No fiercer warrior
could you find in the land
Make no mistake,
she is still a lady
even with fire in her heart
she is delicate and lovely.
Her loyalty is strong,
and her will she relies on
Till she finally sets her eyes
on that ship in the horizon
Weeks have passed, days are long
still they persevere on
Getting ready to greet
this man they love, that’s been gone
There are easier lives
and they dream of the day
When they have all they need
And he won’t go away
On the ships that sail
far off on the horizons
Searching towns just like theirs
stealing its men for their shipmen
But for now, they prepare
making ready a feast
Keeping eye for his ship
sailing in from the East
Bringing gifts, maybe gold
and he will tell tales of their bounty
And the town will be filled
with everyone from the county
Celebrating as one
that the ships have returned
Till the last light is on
And every sailor sojourned
Then in peace they will sleep
dream of ships in the night
And the new day that’s coming
basking warm in the firelight
But for now, they are content
as a family once more
No searching for ships on the horizon
whilst alone on the shore
And they know they are lucky
and enjoy while they can
For this life is no life
for a fair-weather man