Yeah, I knew I recognized this place
I’ve been here a time or two before
The view looking up from the bottom.
How did I end up back on the floor?
Just before I reach the top
You push me down again
Offer your arm to help me out
then you pull away your hard
How is it I fall for this game
The hide and seek, your it, without me
With no warnings all the rules change
And I’m on the losing team
I thought we had a connection
A powerful bond with invisible string
But you keep me for your protection
Then walk away like I don’t mean a thing
Fool me once they say, shame on you
Fool me twice its shame on me?
Yet after 3 or 4 more times
I think I need some new instincts
If I don’t, I won’t survive
I’m drowning in your assurances
I need to get a grip or else
Some basic life insurance
I need help fast, I’m fading
If fact, I just don’t wanna care
Just fill this hole with water
Watch me struggling for air
my fight gets less aggressive
I find after all, the waters fine
I’ll take one final long deep breath
Then sink back down inside
Below the waters surface
Close my eyes and drift away
To a place of gentler tides
and lovely dreams of yesterday